I’ve been using Waze as my primary navigation application for some years. As such, when I got my Tesla Model Y I was looking for a phone mount that I could put my iPhone 14 Pro in and be able to use Waze. For ease, I was looking for a MagSafe mount that would also charge my phone at the same time.

Based on some feedback on the Tesla Motors Club website I ended up going with a mount solution from Brodit. Specifically:

The cables I used for connecting the Apple MagSafe adapter to the car were the following:

Note the USB-C coupler appears to only work in one orientation, so you may need to turn it over. Test before you put it in the car.

This is then routed down the side of the centre console (tucked under the trim) and then connected to one of the high power USB-C ports at the back.

Note - the USB-C cable I got from Amazon is a bit long, so there is also some slack tucked into the trim. You may be able to get away with a shorter cable.

Here is the assembled Brodit mount, with the MagSafe cable installed: Brodit MagSafe mount

Here is the cable going into the Centre Console trim: MagSafe cable going to centre console

Here we see (or don’t see!) the cable and female to female adapter as these are hidden under the trim: Cable tucked out of sight under the centre console trim

Here we see the cable plugged into one of the high power USB-C ports on the back of the Console: Cable plugged into USB-C port at back of console

And finally, here we see Waze running on my phone on the mount: Waze running on my iPhone, in the mount